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Why Joining a Sorority Changed My Life

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

I know my title may sound dramatic, but it’s not at all. If I didn’t join a sorority, my life would not be the same. I probably would not be living with the housemates that I live with now. I would not have met Danielle and found my forever girl gang. I would not have been reconnected with my little and felt inspired to take dance classes again. I would not be the woman I am today.

At first, I was hesitant for many reasons. In high school, I never saw myself wanting to be in one. When I decided to join one my freshman year of college, everyone who knew me was shocked.

I was always the girl that never planned on being in a sorority. I was quiet and shy, and the thought of going through recruitment terrified me, but I did it anyway. There was a part of me that wanted a new mindset for college and maybe for me joining a sorority was my way of getting over some fears, and let me tell you, I have conquered them head-on.

I’m so grateful that I decided to go through with it. It has by far been the best thing I decided to do in college. It brought me sisters for the first time in my life and strong, young women that I can see being my bridesmaids one day.

Joining my sorority also made me want to get more involved on campus, so I started joining clubs and even got a job on campus, and that first job lead to a second one.

As I go into my third year of college, I realize how grateful I am to my sorority for helping me conquer so many of my fears, for providing me with leadership skills, a network of strong ambitious, young women, and my best friend.

To me, my sorority is more than just a sorority because it allowed me to overcome obstacles I never thought I could overcome. It allowed me to shock all my friends and family back home. It forced me to get outside of my dorm room my freshman year because, knowing me, I would have stayed in more than I should have.

Even if you aren’t in a sorority or greek life, I believe that my experience is still relevant because it shows that taking a risk can change your life. If you are scared of something, do it! You never know where overcoming your fears will take you. It could lead you down a path of success and endless friendship and support like me.

I hope that this inspires you to challenge yourself. I had a lot of challenges in college but it has made me the woman I am today, and I am damn proud of it!

Forever Always,


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