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Who Am I?

Updated: Jul 31, 2019

I think in this world of social media and influencers we forget who we are, or we are persuaded to believe we are supposed to be a certain person and dress a certain way to gain followers, but by unconsciously being persuaded we lose part of own unique identity.

Often in the media when it comes to identifying, only some topics are mentioned, such as sexual orientation and race, but too often some smaller subcategories get left behind. That is why I am sitting here writing this post because I want to remind everyone that we are all so unique and that we sometimes forget our own identity by watching others in the media.

We constantly want to see what the latest influencer bought or what Kylie Jenner is wearing so we can try to find a cheaper version. We want to be like other people so we can feel like we are fitting in, but what about being ourselves?

I decided to examine my own identity to help you uncover or discover yours.

Growing up, it was difficult to figure out which bubble to fill in on standardized tests. I would always ask myself, am I White? Or am I Latin/Hispanic? This was a constant question that ran through my head almost every day. It’s a common feeling children of mixed race have, yet rarely anyone speaks out about. People talk about what it means to be African American or Mexican, but what about the people that are both?

It took me the majority of my life to come to terms with who I am. It wasn’t easy, and it’s not like there is a handbook that tells you to decide which ethnicity you identify with, although at times I wish there was.

I was torn. I’m Irish and Italian, but I look Latin. Do I identify as Latin because that is what people see me as?

The answer, I realized, after many years, is that it is your decision.

I’m proud to say that I am mixed and that I do identify as a Latina, but at the same time, I know that I also have had a completely different experience than most Latinas. I know that I wasn’t raised in the most culture-based household and that Spanish wasn’t my first language, but does that make me any less Latin?

Some people may answer yes, while others may answer no. I know what my answer is, and that is all that matters.

Stay true to who you are. Don’t be a follower, be a leader.

Forever Always,


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1 Comment

Jul 30, 2019

Beautifully written Emily!

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