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Welcome to Arizona

Recently, I went on a quick weekend trip to Arizona. It was a last-minute trip that was sort of unexpected but in the best way possible. This Arizona trip was needed for my family because we haven't the opportunity to travel together in a while. This quick trip beat all of our expectations. I'm grateful that I was able to spend time with my family and explore some of the great scenery Arizona has to offer.

If you know me personally, then you know how much I love to travel. Arizona has been on my bucket list for a while, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to explore this great state.

Day 1: I landed in Phoenix at around 7 pm Thursday night, and I made it just in time to have a nice dinner with my family.

Day 2: My mom, brother, and I went on a college campus tour of the Tempe campus of Arizona State University. I enjoyed touring the campus, and it made me want to go to grad school some day. After that, we ran some errands and took an afternoon nap as we waited for my dad to get off work. Later that night, we went to an Arizona Diamondbacks game, which was a lot of fun. Chase Field is enclosed because it gets so hot in the summer. I forgot that it was enclosed because it just felt like I was at a night game, but overall, it was a great experience.

(P.S. The Diamondbacks won the game! Go Eduardo Escobar!)

Day 3: On day three, we took a day trip all around the state. Our first stop was Prescott Valley, where we got to visit our neighbors who recently moved to Arizona. It was great to catch up and see them again. Then after a cute brunch at their house, we headed to the cute town of Prescott, where we walked around and went into cute shops. After that, we headed up to Sedona to see some of the amazing red rock formations. This is something that I highly recommend everyone to see and visit. It was truly breathtaking.

Day 4: My mom and brother went home, but I stayed with my dad one extra night. It was some good bonding time.

Reflection: Even though my time in Arizona was brief, I felt like I saw a good amount of the state, but I would love to go back to explore more. I think this trip reminded me how powerful and beautiful nature is and how we need to to do our part to keep it that way. This trip also brought peace to my life because everyone in my family is so busy, but this trip allowed us to focus on our relationships with each other. We didn’t have work or school to distract us, we just had the beautiful scenery and the sweat dripping down our faces from the 108-degree weather.

I’m lucky and grateful that I can travel as often as I do. I believe that traveling is truly the world’s greatest gift. There are so many places to visit and explore, but we sometimes get stuck in our bubble and forget how big our world is and how important it is to travel. My goal in life is to travel as much as I can. Every trip I go on, I learn more about myself and can grow as a young woman.

Stay tuned for my next adventure!

Forever Always,


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Jul 30, 2019

It was so great to spend time with you and your family! You brought a special piece of Napa with you !! 😘

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