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Things to do at Home, During a Time of Uncertainty

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Right now, we are all in the midst of uncertainty and chaotic times. A lot of us may be feeling anxious, worried, and uneasy, and all those feelings are valid right now. I do want to remind everyone that we are all in this together. This is such an important time to reach out to friends and family who you haven’t talked to in a while over text or Snap and make sure they are doing okay both physically and mentally. Just a simple text message can make someone’s day or week. I’m trying to make personal goals by checking in with my friends and family at least once a week. I like sending cute quotes and photos to friends, unexpectedly.

COVID19 is creating a time of unprecedented actions being seen in communities all over the world, as stores, shops, and schools close in order to stop and contain the spread. Many of us are found in our homes unsure of how to spend our time and cope, as we don’t know how long we will be stuck in our houses for.

With most of us stuck at home, I thought it would be a good idea to share some fun ways to stay occupied and to help our mind, body, and souls stay somewhat calm during a time where so much is unknown.

I believe that we should use this time to our benefit to reconnect with ourselves, friends, family, and even our pets. This extra time is a great excuse to read, try yoga, or finally make time for that hobby you didn’t have time for. I know these are all things I want to work on with my extra time.

Here are some ideas of things you can do at home!

1. Facetime or Zoom a friend or a group of friends. In order to keep in touch with loved ones, technology will come in handy. We are lucky that we have the technology that we do, so we can easily stay in touch and even hang out virtually with friends across the country. You can have a coffee facetime date or even host a virtual book club meeting. Use this time to get creative with technology and see how you and your friends or family can find different ways to stay in touch.

2. Draw or color. Creating art is a great way to decompress, let emotions flow, and will keep you entertained and give you a break from social media. You can order coloring books on Amazon if you don't have any or you can print out templates. I personally, love coloring and listening to relaxing music. There is something so soothing about creating art.

3. You can have a dance party or make Tik Toks. I made a really awesome playlist on Spotify with over 13 hours of music. I made this playlist with the help of my friend Vanessa a couple weeks ago. We listened to this playlist on the drive up from southern california to northern california. This playlist is now my favorite playlist I think I have ever made. I don’t have a Tik Tok, but I think it is a great pastime right now.

4. Play board or card games. There are so many games out there. Ever since technology became part of our everyday lives, I feel like board games have been pushed into the back of our closets. Now, is the perfect time to dust them off and sit around the coffee table with those who you are quarantined with.

5. Read a book. Reading is a great pastime. It’s sad that more people don’t make it a priority. You can learn so much from reading a book. It can also help you calm down and put you to sleep. Reading can take you into a whole other universe, which may be an extremely helpful getaway for many people as most of us are not able to have an actual get away from our own houses.

6. Journal or bullet journal. I started journaling during my freshman year of college. I try to write as much as possible, but sometimes I forget. Now, I have no excuse not to journal, plus journaling is an important tool for the mind and soul. Writing down our thoughts during this tumultuous time can be extremely beneficial. Plus, it will be interesting to look back on this period of time years from now.

7. Experiment with makeup. I haven’t played around with makeup in what feels like years. Now, I have the time to experiment and watch beauty gurus again.

8. Learn a new hobby from Youtube or online courses. There are tons of sites and places to learn a new hobby. There are sites like skillshare and so many other sites that you can find to learn a new hobby or skill.

9. Work out and watch work out videos. There are so many sites and companies that are holding virtual workout sessions. I personally want to try online yoga classes. I also want to go on more bike rides, since that’s the closest thing I can get to spin class right now.

10. Start a blog. Starting a blog can be a fun pastime if you enjoy writing or creating content. There are several different sites that you can start your blog on.

11. Make a Youtube channel. Creating content and filming videos can be a fun pastime. If you want to share your talents or dog’s talents with the world why not post it on Youtube?

12. Binge shows and movies. You can also have a Netflix Party with friends! Here is a list of some of my current favorite shows and movies

  • The Bold Type (Hulu)

  • Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)

  • Modern Family

  • Victorious (Netflix)

  • The Office (Netflix)

  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Amazon)

13. Sit in the sun, if possible. Sitting in the sun has several benefits because it not only is a good source of vitamin D, but it can also help clear the mind and calm the soul. Be careful, and make sure you have sunscreen on to combat the negative effects of the sun. Here are some great articles about Vitamin D and sun exposure.

Forever Always,


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