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Luisa Piou: More Than Just a Fashion Influencer

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Luisa Piou is a senior studying fashion at Arizona State University. She is also an influencer with over 50k followers on Instagram. But there is more to her than her unique style and inspiring Instagram posts.

Luisa caught my attention on Instagram several months ago, I was at first intrigued by her unique style, but I soon realized there is a lot more to her. She is motivational, by showing her followers how to create a healthy morning routine by posting videos of her making her bed every day. She also posts meditation tips and uses singing bowls and posts her using them to help calm her followers and to make sure they take time out of their day for themselves even through social media.

Many influencers post photos of their outfits, but few take the extra steps that she does to check in with her followers and try to make them feel loved.

She wants her followers to love themselves, which is something that has inspired me to try to do the same with my followers.

Through the opportunity I had to interview Luisa, I was able to learn more about her goals for the future, her passions, and information that isn’t always visible on her Instagram.

I first want to say thank you so much to Luisa for allowing me to interview her and having a beautiful discussion with me.


"Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing." —Alexander Wang

What is one word you would use to describe yourself?


“I’m a very in love with things person.”

Luisa is passionate about several different topics, which was apparent through our interview. It’s obvious she has a passion for fashion, but she also has a passion for caring for others, self-care, nature, traveling, art, and wellness. You can hear the passion in her voice when she talks about these topics. She and her boyfriend Wes even made a recent YouTube video about traveling.

What would you tell your younger self?

“I would tell her to keep dreaming and not be discouraged because indeed, every one of her dreams will come true, and she doesn’t even know that yet.”

A trend that I have seen through doing these interviews is that young women tend to doubt themselves, and as we get older, the biggest thing we would tell our younger selves is to keep believing in who you are.

Luisa is no different, she like many other young women, struggles to believe that they are good enough, and one day they do, and they wished they had changed their mindset earlier.

To all my young women out there, listen to Luisa, she speaks the truth!

Who is your biggest inspiration?

“I would say my mom and dad both for different reasons.”

Luisa’s parents are two very different people, but each inspires her in their own way. Each parent has taught her lessons and skills that have helped shaped her into the young woman she is today.

Luisa explains that her dad is loving and kind, while her mom is the bravest woman she knows.

She states this about her mom, “without her stubbornness, I wouldn't have what I have.”

What has been your biggest obstacle in life thus far?

“I would say to fully love myself. I finally got there, I think.”

“Growing up, I was highly discouraged by other people. I didn’t see my self-worth. It took me a long time to realize that you're enough.”

When did you start practicing meditation?

Luisa posts daily reminders for meditation and guided meditation recommendations on her Instagram story. She also posts positive daily reminders to make sure her followers remember to love themselves and that they start their day with positive thoughts.

“I actually downloaded a meditation like over a year ago, and I did it for two days. With quarantine, I was like, well there really is nothing for you to do, so let’s work on your mental health, and I already paid a year for the meditation app, but really since the beginning of quarantine, it has become an essential part of my day to day life.”

Do you have tips for people who want to get into mediation but don’t know how?

Meditation is a form of exercise for the mind, and like exercise, you can’t wake up one day and be able to run a marathon, it takes time, and it’s a process. You have to start with smaller meditations and work your way up.

“I would say to just do it. I know at first it will feel unnatural, but make it happen, and make the effort. Make meditation part of your morning routine like brushing your teeth or making your coffee. You have to force yourself at first to create a habit, but that’s with anything. Do it for yourself. Do it for two weeks straight. It takes the human body about 21 days to adapt to a habit or get rid of one."

What lifestyle tips do you always live by to live your life to the fullest?

Luisa has a couple tips that she lives by that allows her to make sure she is first and foremost taking care of herself.

“First things first, take it day by day.”

“If it’s not going to stress you out in a year or five years, then it’s not worth stressing about it.”

Do you have a favorite store or online brand you like to shop from?

Luisa loves brands that step outside of the box, and often those unique ideas end up being copied by hundreds of other brands trying to stay in trend. Here are a couple of her favorite brands that bring something different to the world of fashion:

Throwback vintage pieces

Small designers

What do you think your followers get wrong about you?

“I feel like a lot of my followers think I’m very sociable.”

Despite what some people may think, Luisa is more of an introvert. She mainly keeps to her close inner circle and doesn’t vary too much from them. She is an energy feeler, spiritual, and insightful.

“I feel people’s energy very well.

“I don’t like a pointless conversation; I like to talk about life.”

What do you hope your followers gain from watching your content?

“I don’t want to be another pretty face with cute clothes that makes people feel shitty about themselves.”

“I want my followers to look at me and my outfits and my stories and be like omg if she can do it, I can do it too.”

Fashion is her second goal, but Luisa wants her followers to gain more life advice and motivation.

What are you most excited for after college?

“School is the one thing tying me to Arizona.”

Luisa is excited about the many different aspects of post-grad life. She is most excited about being able to live with her boyfriend Wes and their adorable dog Ralph.

Wes lives in California, while Luisa and Ralph live in Arizona. Wes can visit them on weekends, but during the week, he is busy working, and Luisa is busy finishing school.

What is your dream job?

Even though Luisa is going to school for fashion, her dream job is something completely unrelated to her major. She would love to be an artist (painter) or motivational speaker. She often posts her paintings on her Instagram. After talking to Luisa, I can see her being a motivational speaker.

Where do you want to live after college?

Luisa explained how before quarantine, she wanted to live in a city such as New York or Paris, but since then, her dreams have shifted. She would love to live closer to the woods or a beach. Her ideal location is somewhere off the beaten path in the Mediterranean.

Thank you to Luisa for sharing your story.

Follow her on Instagram

Forever Always,


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