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I'm Doing This for My Damn Self!

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

The semester is in full swing, and I'm in the midst of midterm season. It felt like January lasted an eternity, and February came and went like a speed train. With that being said, I feel like even in this short amount of time, I have grown and have learned a lot about myself. My new motto, as you can tell, by the graphic is, “I’m doing this for my damn self!” This is my new mantra I am trying to live by.

We need to take care of ourselves because no one else is going to. Friendships and relationships come and go, and the only people at the end of the day we are left with is ourselves.

I’ve started what I call the journey to a new me. I’m focusing on different aspects of my life that have recently become more important to me than they have in the past.

I’m focusing on my health. This sounds so basic, but I want to get stronger both mentally and physically. My two ways to get stronger and accomplish this goal of mine are through exercise and meditation.

I’m also focusing on reading and writing. I’ve learned that writing is when I feel most myself. It’s like when I type, I let out all the words, thoughts, and ideas I didn’t have the guts to say out loud. I also love reading because there is something so magical about picking up a new book. The smell of the pages and the touch of the paper is so exciting. I know most people may not feel this way, but I find books a way to escape, relax, and help me fall asleep at night.

A new goal I have for myself is to try something new every week. That could even be going to a Target or a different gas station I haven’t been to before. This helps me get out of my routine of doing the same thing every day and every week. I think it’s extremely important to try new things, and this can be done even in the simplest of ways.

Something that I’m currently working on is cleaning out my closet and getting new clothes to represent a more professional and adult me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good graphic tee, ripped jeans, and dad sneakers, but as I move into my career, I want to include more timeless pieces into my wardrobe. I feel like when we are young, we focus on the now, and look to what is on-trend, and we don’t necessarily think about wearing something in the next several years. I not only want to include more staple pieces, but I also want to buy and live more sustainably. The clothing industry plays a large role in climate change. My goal is to buy more from second-hand stores and sites, as well as donate my lightly worn clothes to places like The Salvation Army and ThredUp.

My overall goal with all these things is to focus on what matters. I want to focus on myself and the things I enjoy. I’m going to the gym, meditating, writing, and changing my style for myself and no one else.

Forever Always,


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