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I Love to Write

I didn’t always think I was going to be a writer, and I never thought I would be in the major that I'm in right now.

Growing up, I would always play teacher. I had a whiteboard in my room to write down made-up things on for my pretend students to learn about. I would say that for most of my life, I wanted to work in education because of my love for learning.

When I started to think about college, I was set on majoring in marketing. I focused on looking at Business programs at different universities. Then at some point, I had a realization that, I hate numbers and that I'm awful at math. I knew I would not get into my top schools if I applied under business. After that realization, I decided I would apply under communication and maybe later switch to marketing.

Deep down, part of me never wanted to study business. I’m not good with numbers, but I knew that I loved to be creative. One thing that has always been constant in my life was that I loved to read and write. I always had made up stories in my head for book ideas I would write later in life.

When I applied to SDSU, I applied under the Journalism Program. I’m not sure why, but their Media Studies emphasis sounded interesting and right up my ally. I went in with the idea that I would end up changing to marketing because I saw marketing as my way to make money and most people know what marketing is, while not everyone knows what media studies is. Once I started my pre-major course work, I fell in love with the program, and I knew that it was where I belonged.

It took a while, but I realized that I love writing. It’s something that I’m good at. I let my emotions and feelings out by typing or handwriting them down. It’s how I cope with stress. My homework usually doesn’t feel like a task for me because I love what I study.

I love the process of writing, everything about it because sitting down writing, whether it is on my laptop or in a notebook it is my happy place. It's where and when I feel most myself. I love the sound of my keyboard, when my thoughts are flowing so fast my fingers can’t keep up with my mind (this happens quite often). Sometimes my mind has so many ideas my fingers can’t type them all down. That is why I started this blog to share my thoughts, ideas, tips, and wisdom with the world.

I may only be 20, and I know I still have a lot to learn, and I am by no means saying that I have my life figured out, but we can learn together, and I can share my experiences through the power of words.

Something I learned in the past year, is that my love language is words of affirmation. I think that this makes perfect sense for me. I appreciate when people tell me things with words rather than gifts and gestures.

Writing is who I am, but so is the importance of education. My dream is to eventually, one day become a professor and maybe even get my Ph.D. I mean, can’t you see it?

Anyways, I like to ramble with my words, but the point is that dreams and career ideas can change. I realized that this is what I love, and I’m good at it. I mean social media is taking over the world, so I think it’s important that we study it! I may not be saving lives, but I’m able to help others and make sure our future with the media is growing powerfully and beneficially.

Forever Always,


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