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How to Stay Organized in College

Since the new semester is starting, I decided to share my tips and tricks for doing well in college. I’m not a straight A student, but I always get good grades and wanted to share some of my tips for surviving the college workload.

Tip No. 1: Always have a planner. I love to write down all the tasks I have to do for the day. I feel accomplished when I cross a task off my list. I spend every Sunday night writing out all the assignments and tasks I have for the week. I write the items down in a notebook on my desk and in my Day Designer planner. Personally, I don’t like to use online calendars, however; I will start to use them this semester.

Tip No. 2: Go to office hours. This is a great way to show your professor that you are trying, and you want to do well in the class. It may be intimidating to meet with a professor, but it is something that needs to be done. Coming from personal experience, I can say that going to office hours helped save my grade in my Economics class, in my first semester of freshman year. I try to go to office hours if I know I’m struggling in a class, or have a question where I need to talk to my professor. Speak up, and ask for help, before it’s too late.

Tip No. 3: Get your assignments done early. I try hard not to procrastinate. I avoid procrastination by starting an assignment as soon as possible. I like to get my work done a day or two before it is due, if possible. That way, if I have a question, I can ask my professor and get it answered before the due date. Something else that I like to do is assign days to work on certain classes. For example, last semester I would work on my Women’s Studies class assignments on Wednesday nights. I always have a plan for when I get my work done, so I can organize my time and avoid procrastination.

Tip No. 4: Put your phone on do not disturb. Something that I tested out last semester was that I would put my phone on do not disturb mode and put it in the other room, while I was working on school work. That way I wasn’t distracted by the notifications. This was extremely beneficial, especially when I had to study for important tests, where my full attention was needed to understand all the concepts. You will never do your best work if you are constantly being distracted by text messages and social media notifications. Recently, I have also been setting a timer while I’m on my phone so that I don’t spend an excessive amount of time on it. Work smarter, not harder.

Tip No. 5: Have a study system that works for you. Everyone has their own way of studying that works for them. For instance, I’m a visual learner, and I have to write things out. I make my own studies guides, either with pen and paper or by rewriting my notes on a google document. I also make flashcards because it helps me test myself on what I know and what I don’t. I use highlighters and colorful pens to mark the important topics from the lecture. Find a system and start studying.

Tip No 6: Start studying for an exam a week before, not the day before. I start making flashcards and reviewing my notes a week before I have an exam. That way, I have enough to time review all the information and have time to ask questions. I also try to have a study group session. It helps to study with others; sometimes your friends may understand something you don’t.

Those are all of my tips for how I stay organized in school. I hope you have a great and successful semester or quarter!

Forever Always,


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