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Aging Beautifully: Chapter 4

In Chapter Four of my Aging Beautifully series, I will be interviewing, Liz Figueroa, the Vice President of External Affairs for Planned Parenthood. Liz Figueroa was someone I looked up to growing up, and still do. She is a true role model for young Latina women who want to go into politics. She worked in a Caucasian, male-dominated profession and was one of the first Latinas to take on leadership roles in politics and elsewhere. Liz is a true leader in every sense. There are many wonderful things about Liz, but I think her greatest talent is being a strong, empowered Latina woman who fights for what she believes in. Our country is diverse, but the political world, like many other professions is not dominated by women, especially women of color. She has had several careers and has always worked hard at everything she does. She has spent most of her career helping others. She has served as a member in the California State Senate and California State Assembly. She now works at Planned Parenthood. Liz will be sharing her wisdom and advice to us, and she will be representing the 60s.

This Week’s Quote: “Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.”

-Robert Browning

What is your first name, job title, and what decade are you representing (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s)?

Name: Liz Figueroa

Occupation: Vice President of External Affairs at Planned Parenthood

Decade: 60s

What is something that you are most proud of?

Liz answered this question without any hesitation. She simply stated, “My family.” If you know Liz, you know family is her world. With Liz, family is not just immediate family, it is first, second, and third cousins. Liz has a large family. She has her daughter, AnaLisa, who I previously interviewed. She also has her son and his family. However, Liz’s family extends farther than her children and grandchildren. Her family includes my family, as well. Liz is really my cousin, but is more like the grandma I never had. I grew up calling her Aunt Liz. Whenever I went to visit her, she always made the statement, “what happens at grandma’s house, stays at grandma's.” It was a rule she had her grandkids follow, along with me and my brother. Going to Aunt Liz’s house was always the best. She treated me like her granddaughter, even though I wasn’t. She cared so much for my family, especially my grandfather and uncle. Family is the best gift, and I can see why Liz is proud of her family. Her kids are successful and have beautiful families of their own. I know she is also proud of my family. While I was interviewing to her, she said: “I am proud of you.”

What is one word you feel best describes you?

Liz is someone who is confident, and it shows in the way she stated her answer. This question tends to throw people off because most people do not have an answer. However, she confidently, and without hesitation, had an answer and said her word is Blessed. Liz is someone who is always thankful and Blessed for her life. She has worked hard, raised a beautiful family, and has traveled the world. Whenever I have the opportunity to see her, she is always talking about how blessed she has been. I think that Blessed is the perfect word to describe her.

You spent majority of your career helping others. What inspired you to take that career path? And what has been the most rewarding aspect?

Liz has always helped others, not only through her career, but also personally. As a legislator for 16 years, her focus was on helping women and children. “People have always given so much to me that it has been easy to give to others. I believe that my life will be defined based on the contributions that I have made to make people feel better. And that is how I want to be remembered. In terms of how I started, it was because I loved bringing joy to people. I realized, that even a kind word could make a difference in someone’s life.”

Can you explain some difficult experiences you had in your career? And do you have any advice for young women?

Liz Figueroa is one of the most hardworking women I know. I know that she has faced several challenges in her career. I wanted to ask her this question because I wanted to know what she has learned from her experiences. I want to share Liz’s wisdom with young women, who may at one point, struggle with similar issues.

The first experience that she describes was when she lost faith in her own abilities. “There were a few times in my career that I began comparing myself with others in my field. I was concerned that I was not rising as fast as they were. I did not receive the recognition I thought I deserved for accomplishing the same work.” This is a challenge that women face throughout their careers and in life. It can have a negative effect not just on you, but on those around you. I think that as young women we are more unsure of ourselves, especially when it comes to our careers.

Liz shares that she was able to gain her confidence back.“Once I realized that I was hired based on my qualifications, and not anyone else’s and that I was a unique individual that can bring different dimensions to my work; I knew that I didn’t need to compete with anyone, including myself.” This is important for all young women to realize because everyone can bring something to the table. Everyone has different experiences, but it takes time for us to believe in ourselves and in our work. Liz realized that she was qualified for her job and that her previous experiences add to her qualifications. “My skills and abilities were special because I am a special and unique woman. There is absolutely no one that can bring my experiences and knowledge to my job.” Everyone contributes something different to their team or place of work. Coming in with different perspectives and experiences is important because it can set you apart from those who work with you and can be your greatest strength and add value to your employer. She describes how gaining her confidence back, not only benefited her, but how it benefited those she worked with. “Once I found my confidence, those around me saw my confidence and it appeared to rub off on others, making us a better functioning team.” This is also important to realize because when someone has confidence, their confidence or positive outlook can affect others. Confidence and positivity are important, and not only benefit you, but can also benefit those around you. “We are all part of a larger mission, we each do the best we can and we each have an important part to play each and every day.”

Liz goes on to explain another difficult experience she has faced. “My second challenging experience is attempting to be “ Super Women,” being all things to everyone and getting it all done.” Many women struggle with wanting to do everything and be there for everyone. Sometimes it can be difficult to balance your home life with your career. I know that sometimes I even struggle with this. She goes on to explain that, “You can’t be the perfect, daughter, sister, wife, friend, and employee. Learning to balance is key.” I know that I personally struggle with balancing everything, it is impossible to be perfect at everything you do. Liz continues by explaining that concentration is important even though multitasking is a common occurrence in our everyday lives. “I know that multitasking appears to be a now popular term but it’s exhausting to maintain, and eventually you won’t be a master of might have checked off all the items on your to-do list but what was the quality of the accomplishments of those checked items? Focus on one thing at a time, do it well, and move on to the next task with concentration and skill, you will eventually check off everything on the list, with a feeling of a job well done.”

“I Hope this can assist a young women in her career...the truth is we all make our own mistakes and have our own challenges, that’s what makes the ride so special.”

Did you have a mentor, or is there someone you learned the most from?

“In my day, we did not have many women mentors in politics. I remember asking for a mentor, and someone told me, “Well, I hate to tell you, but you are the mentor.” Sometimes you have to learn quickly, and I took that responsibility very seriously. I love being a mentor, particularly to young women.” Liz never had a mentor, she had to become her own mentor. There were no other Latinas in politics who could guide her and share wisdom with her. Liz only had herself. She was told she had to become a leader, and a leader she became.

What advice would you give young women starting their careers?

“Find a job that gives you joy. You will excel in your work if it brings you joy. The money and the prestige will follow. You will excel if you get up every morning and love going to work.” These were Liz’s words of wisdom. I think this is starting to relate to me more. Even though I’m only in my second year of college, I’m starting to realize that my career path is headed down the writing path because writing gives me the most joy. I also tend to write better when it is about a topic I’m interested in.

After many years of traveling, do you have a favorite place to visit or is there one place that inspires you?

“I have traveled all over the world. Every place is so different and inspiring. I can’t pick a favorite place, because it would be like asking someone who their favorite kid is. Every country is different and has something different to offer. Some of them were more the food, and others were the landscapes, and some were the people. I remember particularly, the country of Chile, and the kindness and sweetness of the people.” I hope I have the opportunity to travel as much as Liz has. Traveling is great way to learn more about the world and yourself.

Thoughts on Aging?

Liz is the definition of aging gracefully. Her answer was no surprise to me. She said, “I love aging.” Liz embraces aging. I wish more women and people, in general, embraced aging with the grace and sense of fun Liz does. Liz goes on to explain that she tries to do it with grace, dignity, and thankfulness. “The alternative isn’t very fun. You know, I love my age.” I hope to age like Liz does with grace and dignity, and I hope my friends and peers see that aging doesn’t have to be negative. Aging is natural, yet there is still a stigma around it, especially for women. When I think of Liz, I think that age is just a number, because Liz is one of the biggest and funnest kids I know.

Anything else?

“Be yourself and be true to yourself. Don’t try to mimic someone else.” I love this advice because I feel like sometimes we can pretend to be something we are not to please others. We have to be our true selfs in order to be our best selves.

I hope you enjoyed chapter four of my Aging Beautifully Project. Stay tuned for more interviews and advice from smart and successful women. And thank you to Liz Figueroa, for sharing your words and wisdom.

-Forever Always,

Emily Escobar

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