In Chapter Two of my Aging Beautifully series, I will be interviewing, AnaLisa Luippold, a Director of Care Transformation for a major healthcare company in California. She recently started this new job. AnaLisa has worked in a variety of different jobs in the healthcare industry. She will be representing the 40s.
This Week’s Quote: “Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.”
- Jackie Joyner-Kersee
What is your first name, job title, and what decade are you representing (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s)?
Name: AnaLisa Luippold
Occupation: Director of Care Transformation
Decade: The 40s

What is something that you are most proud of?
AnaLisa is family-oriented like most women I have interviewed. AnaLisa gave a similar answer to my mom's answer. The thing that they are most proud of is their family. AnaLisa goes on to explain why her family is what she is most proud of. “I’m proud that I have been married to my husband for 20 years. We are still just as much in love as we were when we first met. We have made it a focus to be good examples for our children on how to be good partners. I’m also proud because my son is going off to college, and he is happy and healthy. I was also able to add another child to my family. People always tell me my family looks happy and is always smiling. So, something must be working.” This is all true because if you know her family, it seems like they are always smiling in person and in photos. Their smiles are real genuine smiles of pure love and happiness.

What is one word you feel best describes you?
AnaLisa started answering this question, but was unsure if she even had an answer. This question is difficult to answer. I ask this question because it allows the person I’m interviewing to think about themselves and evaluate who they are. I have realized that hearing what other women have to say can help us understand ourselves better. AnaLisa explains that the one word she would use to describe herself is sensitive. She owns up to this word. She explains that some people may believe that being sensitive is a negative characteristic, but she explains how for her, it is a good thing. “I have realized that it is okay to be sensitive. Growing up, I thought that being sensitive was not a positive characteristic. I tried to pretend that I wasn’t sensitive, but as I have aged, and become comfortable in my own shoes, I have realized that sensitivity makes me who I am. It is why my employees enjoy working for me. I tell my kids, yes, your mom is sensitive, and that is why you will get lots of hugs, kisses, and tears. However, my kids will also get lots of joy and pure love. Life is all about balance, and you can’t be sensitive all the time in life, but if that is my strongest characteristic, then I have to figure out how to take advantage of it. In the past, I have tried to push it down and hide it. I would try to push my sensitivity away, but when I did it would come out at the wrong time.” AnaLisa has struggled to balance her best characteristic. I can relate because after listening to AnaLisa, I think I do the same thing with my characteristic. Listening to AnaLisa is inspiring because she took something other see as her weakness, and she turned it into her greatest strength.
You recently made some substantial changes in your life by adding a new family member and moving. What lead to these changes at this stage in your life?
Recently, AnaLisa moved out of a city where she and her family have lived for years. She also decided to have a third child. She explains why she made these changes and what led to them. I think we all could learn a thing or two from her changes because I know I sure did. “As I started getting older, I realized I did not want to look back on my life and have regrets. I do not want to look back and say I never got out of Sacramento. We have considered moving back to the East Coast for a very long time. My husband and I talked about where we want to spend the next phase of our life. We do have stronger connections in California, so we decided to make a change where there was a difference in our life, but did not have to require me to change my job. We wanted a slower life.” The next part of her answer is something that I never thought of. AnaLisa has a young daughter and two older sons. Her oldest is about to leave for college, and another who is starting his sophomore year of high school. Analisa explains why she decided to have a third child, by explaining something someone once told her. “I remember someone told me this great advice. I remember they said, “think about your dinner table around the holidays ten years or twenty years from now. What do you want?” I have always said I want lots of family around, and I want a big table with lots of chairs. Of course, part of that is you have to make your own family. I always had an itch for another kid, and I was lucky enough to have my daughter. It is the change we wanted. It may be a little crazy right now with having another child, but I think about that future state, and I want my three kids there and their life partners.” I found that piece of advice very impactful.

Thoughts on Aging?
“I don’t think about it. I realized that the other day. I use anti-aging products, but I don’t think about it that often. Most of the time it’s never a topic that comes up in life, expect for when I was pregnant. I do look younger than I am so, I am fortunate. I bet you the next decade I will think about it more. I feel like I'm just living and not worrying about it too much.”
What is your go to skincare advice?
“I have been using Mary Kay for about fifteen years. The sister I never had is a Mary Kay director, and she asked me to try it. I have been using it ever since. Now, I think I’m never going to try anything else. I love it. It is a good product.”
Fashion advice?
So far, this question has been answered the same by all the women I have interviewed. It is an answer that I also believe strongly in, even though I do not have enough experience in the workforce to comment on this topic. Dressing for a job is important, especially as a woman. Men do not have to worry as much as women do when it comes to the topic of fashion in the workplace. You can’t do a lot of mixing and matching with a suit, but you can do a lot with dresses, skirts, blouses, blazers, and jewelry. AnaLisa started to answer the question, and once she said the first words I knew she was going to say this, “My mom always told me to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I know, it sounds so simple, but it is something I think about a lot. Even on casual days in the office, I feel that I need to dress for the position I want, not the position I have. I want to make sure I am always being viewed as professional and ready for the next level. I think about it a lot, as I get dressed for work.” I find this saying so interesting because after the interview, with AnaLisa, I talked to my dad, and he said he has never heard that saying before. I then realized that saying is probably more applied towards women.

What are some difficult career choice you have had to make and why?
“I was fired from a job one time. It was the most painful experience I have ever been through. I have always been a very good employee and student. I was sad at first, but as I look back at it now, I realized it was the best thing that could have ever happened. I made a small mistake twice, which is why I was fired. I have realized that I made the mistake because I did not like the job anymore. I did not enjoy going to work anymore. I realized now, that I should have left that job on my own terms. I truly believe that you can find a job that you love. I believe that work can be joyous. It was a good lesson, and I’m glad that it happened. I’m also glad that it happened later in life. I don’t think I would have appreciated it if it happened when I was younger.” After hearing this story from AnaLisa, I realized that sometimes we have to take a step back and think that something that may seem like the end of the world at the time, may actually be something that will change your future for the better. As cheesy as it sounds, everything does happen for a reason, whether it is good or bad. However, it does take time to realize that things work out for the best.
What is one thing you would tell your younger self?
“Be more creative and push me to try to new things. Take advantage of travel opportunities and study abroad. I have no regrets, though. I might have told my younger self to not be such a goody-two-shoes. I was always a rule follower, and I only saw a very straight path. If I could go back, I would advise myself to have more fun.” I think I also have a problem with this. I have always stayed in the lines, and have never gone outside of the lines, but it is something I am working on.

What advice would you give young women starting their careers?
“Try different things. A lot of industries are connected. Do not feel stuck on one path. Try different perspectives. Step out of your own shoes and try to understand different perspectives. I have always worked in healthcare, but I have worked in different aspects of healthcare, from legislative work, to working with hospitals. It has been valuable to me to have exposure to all different sides of the industry.”
Anything else?
“I think the biggest piece of advice that a girl should keep in mind is respect yourself. Only do what you want and what you feel makes you happy.” AnaLisa also mentioned that women may be seen as equal, but we still have a way to go. We are making progress, but more can be done. I agree with everything she brought up and mentioned throughout her interview.
I hope you enjoyed chapter two of my Aging Beautifully Project. Stay tuned for more interviews and advice from smart and successful women. And, thank you to AnaLisa Luippold, for sharing your words and wisdom.
- Forever Always,