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A Year Later...

Updated: Jun 12, 2018

It has been exactly a year since I graduated high school. I saw all the posts on social media from the class of 2018 and it made me feel nostalgic. I’m proud and excited for the class of 2018 because so much is about change and its all new and exciting. I remember feeling that way. Now, reflecting on my past year, I have realized that so much has changed since that overcast day in June, when I walked across that stage. I am the type of person who enjoys reflecting on the past to better my future self. So, here is what happened during my first year post-graduating high school.

June 8, 2017, was the day I graduated high school. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember taking photos with friends and cherishing our last moments together. I remember all the good byes and see ya laters, as it started to sprinkle on us as we walked the stage. That afternoon was filled with excitement and nerves for the new journey we were all about to embark on.

I started this new life journey by spending my summer with all my friends. We made memories together, ones I will never forget. We went to the beach, played baseball, volleyball, we had picnics, barbecues, we had sleep overs, said see you later, and watched each other pack up our lives and move to our new homes.

In August, I said my final see you laters and packed up for college. On my last night at home, we had a picnic and watched the sunset. It was the perfect way to spend my last night with them. Once I got to college, I had to figure out where my classes were. I slowly started to make friends.

In September, I joined a sorority, which is something I never thought I would have done a year ago. I met my best friend, Danielle, through my sorority and from there my life became a rollercoaster of new experiences. Danielle and I started to do everything together and our friendship grew. College is not easy, and there were days where I was surviving, not thriving, but I’m lucky I have her by my side. The college workload is a lot to handle. I soon learned how to manage the workload and soon got into a rhythm.

In April, a lot happened. I went to visit Danielle for spring break. I then went home and visited all my friends, before returning for school for the last month of classes. My life then came full circle when I saw Jaden Smith in concert. I know this sounds crazy, but believe me in high school, especially freshman year of high school, I was obsessed with Jaden Smith. I was that one weird girl who was in love with him, while every other girl was listening to One Direction. Well, four years later, I saw Jaden Smith in concert. It truly was a dream come true. My 14 year-old-self was crying on the inside. I never planned on going to this concert. It was completely last minute. I debated going because of school work, but I’m so glad I went. One thing I learned over this past year was that I need to do more things spontaneously. Going to the Jaden Smith concert was spontaneous. Sometimes you have to take a break from work and school and just live. I lived in the moment that night. I only took two short snap videos of the concert because I wanted to enjoy every second. I usually want to document everything, but this concert was different. I had to live in the moment for my 14 year-old-self and I’m so glad did. Always remember, you only live once, so enjoy every moment of it.

My style started to change. Yes, my style changed all the time in high school too, but this time was different. I started wearing clothes that I would have never worn in high school. I stared wearing colorful pieces. I even started wearing yellow. I hated the color yellow in high school, now I want yellow everything. It’s funny how sometimes you end up loving the things you use to hate. I also started to work out, which boosted my self confidence. Working out became an addiction when school became stressful. My acne also started to clear, which boosted my confidence even more. Sometimes it is the little things that can change your confidence levels.

I am truly grateful for all the people in my life. I’m grateful for my friends from home, my parents, my little brother, who really isn’t so little anymore, my friends from school, and my sorority sisters. Each person and friend group has brought something new into my life and has taught me different things about myself and the world. This past year has taught me more about myself, my friends, and the world, than the four years I spent in high school. I’m lucky I have friends all over the country. I was able to stay in touch with most of my friends from home too. I am grateful for the past year. I know there is so much more ahead of me post-high school, but I wanted to reflect on this past year because I think it is important to look back to see how we have changed and to see what we have accomplished. I am now more empowered, self-confident, and am ready for what’s to come.

Forever always,


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