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A City That Inspires: San Francisco

When someone thinks of San Francisco, they may think of the Golden Gate Bridge, Union Square, The Haight Ashbury, Golden Gate Park, or even Alcatraz. To me, San Francisco is not just a place, it is a mindset. It is hard to explain, but whenever I am in the city, I feel excited and adventurous. I am always able to think of new ideas or topics to write about. There is something about this city that inspires me in a way I cannot even understand. All I know is that I feel most myself when I am exploring the city.

I have wanted to write about this city for a while now, but because this city means so much to me, I have been hesitant because how does one write about the city and is able to truly show all of its beauty and excellence in a limited amount of words and photographs? I have realized this is not possible because no amount of words and photographs will ever truly show just how beautiful this city is. The only way to really know the truth is the explore the city.

The city is magical in its own unique way. One may ask why is the city where there is no parking and housing so magical? Well here, I will explain why this city inspires me and some of my favorite places that have me keep coming back despite the parking problems. One tip when going to the city is to use public transportation. I always take public transportation when I'm in the city.

Haight Ashbury: Aka the hippie part of town

What makes this street so special is the atmosphere. My personal favorite spot on this street is Amoeba Records. I could spend hours in that store looking at all the records. This spot has been a favorite of mine since my dad took me there a couple years ago. Walking into this store I feel like a little kid at a candy store. There is also a sock store on this street that I always find myself walking into. Overall, this street is unique in many ways, but this street always seems to amaze me with its lively hood and weirdness, which is part of the reason I continue to go back. I love this street and it inspires me to always be my true self.

The 16th Ave Mosaic Stairs: Aka the place where people take cute Instagram photos

This place will always have a special place in my heart because my grandmother has a memorial tile on these stairs. I love walking up and down these stairs, because it is more than just good exercise, it is beautiful street art. These stairs would not be possible without the help of the surrounding community, who helped this project come to life. What most people do not know is that many community members paid for a tile on those stairs, and without those payments, these stairs would not have been possible. These stairs inspire me because it shows the community coming together to create something so marvelous it has become a famous tourist attraction. People from around the world come to see these stairs and that is truly inspiring all in itself.

The MOMA: Aka the museum of modern art

I love art! In fact, in high school, I took an art history class. That class was one of my favorite classes in high school. I even went the MOMA as a field trip for that class. I love the MOMA because there is so much to look at and see. I have been there many times and I still have not seen everything in that building. I also love the gift shop. They have so many interesting books about artists and other interesting items. I think looking at art is important because you can learn a lot and art can be inspiring. Art inspires me because it challenges me to see the world differently and to look outside the box.

Get inspired and look at art!

I spend a lot of time in the city and I like to explore and find new things to do and eat. Every time I go to the city, I have a completely different experience from the last. I try to bring my friends with me so they can experience all the city has to offer. One of my goals is to bring as many of my friends from home to the city because I think it is important for everyone to experience city life, even for a couple of hours.

Recently, I took two of my friends, Ezra and Cynthia to San Francisco for a day trip. We started our day by taking Muni, the public transportation line, to Union Square. We started our day by having lunch at Lemonade. This is one of my favorite restaurants in the city because there are so many options. There really is something for everyone. We then went shopping at the mall and walked around the square. While walking around the square, we came across the T-Mobile store, which was playing some good latin music. The store was getting ready for Pride weekend and employees were holding signs with rainbow hearts. We walked past some employees and they asked us if we wanted to take a free salsa dancing class. We had no set agenda for the day and thought it would be fun. So we took the class, and it was fun, and I think we were all glad we took the class. It was an experience and something we never thought we were would do while in the city. I think that is why the city inspires me so much. You can go to the city for one reason and you can end up doing something you never thought you would. We never thought we were going take a salsa dance class, but we did. This idea also corresponds back to what I have been wanting to focus on, which is living in the moment. We did not take any photos or videos of today because all three of us were so focused on living in the moment. Life is about making memories and that is exactly what we did during our trip to our city by the bay. I truly believe the best memories are the ones you did not expect coming. I hope I can have more adventures and days like that day.

Some other places I love are Valencia Street, Mr. Holmes Bakehouse, Chestnut Street, Golden Gate Park.

Lastly, I would like to thank the city for inspiring me to be myself, explore, live in the moment, make memories, enjoy the beauty in life, and work hard. San Francisco has taught me a lot and I cannot wait for the city to keep educating me in the next several years. So thank you, San Francisco, for being weird, beautiful, crazy, foggy, windy, sunny, overcast, cold, hot, smelly, gross, and utterly amazing.

Forever Always,


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